About DADD
Mission Statement
The Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD) is an organization composed of people committed to enhancing the quality of life of children, youth, and adults with autism, intellectual disability, and/or other developmental disabilities. The Division seeks to promote and disseminate research-based practice in education, thus ensuring the continued advancement of positive educational and life outcomes for people with autism, intellectual disability, and/or other developmental disabilities.
DADD Officers
Past President | Liz Harkins | harkinse@wpunj.edu |
President | Bree Jimenez | Bree_Jimenez@baylor.edu |
President Elect | Angi Stone-Macdonald | Angi.Stone-MacDonald@csusb.edu |
Vice President | Chris Denning | Christopher.Denning@umb.edu |
Secretary | Kevin Ayres | kayres@uga.edu |
Treasurer | Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan | llstansberry@stthomas.edu |
Student Representative | Thai Williams | rtray@charlotte.edu |
Executive Director | Jordan Shurr | j.shurr@queensu.ca |
Communications Chair | Jessica Bowman | bowman@umn.edu |
Publications Chair | Robert Pennington | rcpenn2@uky.edu |
Conference Coordinator | conferenceinfo@daddcec.com | |
Member-at-Large (Diversity) | Sarah Cox | skcox@msu.edu |
Member-at-Large (Membership) | Melissa Savage | mns029@uark.edu |
International Representative | Hui-Ting (Tina) Wang | tinaw@gapps.ntnu.edu.tw |
ETADD Editor | Ginevra Courtade & Emily Bouck | g.courtade@louisville.edu ecb@msu.edu |
DADD Bylaws
Past Presidents and Executive Directors
Last Updated:
6 February, 2025