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Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities Editorial Policy (ETADD)

DADD is currently transitioning to a new journal platform. If you are a member looking for an ETADD issue or article, there are several ways you can access ETADD.

  • Check your email communications from DADD. ETADD issues and articles are emailed out four times a year to all members.
  • If you have access to JSTOR or EBSCOHost digital libraries, you can access past ETADD issues.
  • If you aren’t able to find what you need using the previous steps, email the DADD Publications Chair, Dr. Rob Pennington to request ETADD issues or articles at

Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities focuses on the education and welfare of persons with autism, intellectual disability, and other developmental disabilities. ETADD invites research manuscripts, conceptual/position, and critical review of the literature. Major emphasis is on identification and assessment, educational programming, characteristics, training of instructional personnel, habilitation, prevention, community understanding and provisions, and legislation. Three reviewers evaluate each manuscript anonymously. Criteria for acceptance include the following: relevance, quality, reader interest, applicability, contribution to the field, and economy and smoothness of expression. The review process requires two to four months. Viewpoints expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily conform to positions of the Editors or the Division.  

2025 ETADD Journal Ordering Information


Join CEC and add DADD as a division to begin to access all ETADD issues as a member benefit! 



Submission of Manuscripts

  1. Manuscript submission is a representation that the manuscript is the author's own work, has not been published, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. Manuscripts must be prepared according to the recommendations in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Seventh Edition, 2019).
  3. Manuscript submissions should be no more than 20–30 typewritten, double-spaced pages, including references, tables, figures, and an abstract.
  4. ETADD publishes research studies (inclusive but not limited group design, single-case design, qualitative, quasi-experimental, survey), systematic reviews, and conceptual/position manuscripts.
  5. Graphs and figures should be originals or sharp, high quality photographic prints suitable, if necessary, for a 50% reduction in size.
  6. Manuscripts should be submitted via Manuscript Central:
  7. Upon receipt, the Editors will screen each manuscript. Appropriate manuscripts will then be sent to Associate Editors and members of the Editorial Board.
  8. The Editors reserve the right to make minor editorial changes that do not materially affect the meaning of the text.
  9. Manuscripts are the property of ETADD for a minimum period of six months. All articles accepted for publication are copyrighted in the name of the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

Manuscript Submission

Last Updated:  17 December, 2024

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