Saturday Morning Coffee Chat for Special Education Teachers
The teachers from the East Valley CEC Chapter invite you to a free zoom coffee chat with special education teachers around the state as we experience a school year like never before!
Group Discussion
This year has been challenging in so many ways and teachers have risen up to the challenge; however, many teachers do not practice ongoing self-care! Teachers, especially special education teachers, are tired, stressed, and frustrated. We've never been afraid of hard work, but our time in education is very different. During this workshop we will discuss everyday activities teachers can do for themselves and students to practice self-care. Many of these practices can take a few minutes but decrease overall daily stress.
Michelle Obama affirmed, "We need to do a better job of putting ourselves at the top of our own 'to do' lists." So, join us to put yourself on your own 'to do" list!
Presentation by Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson is currently the Director of Itinerant Services at ASDB. Prior to joining ASDB, he served as the Post School Outcomes Education Program Specialist, Recruitment and Retention Specialist, and Monitor and Support Specialist at the Arizona Department of Education and is best known for his leadership in the Teacher Teach Camp!
Breakout Rooms
Following the special presentation, the coffee chat will team up teachers of like teaching positions to talk about issues & concerns as well as ideas & strategies for our new teaching reality. Special education teachers from the East Valley CEC Chapter will be our hosts and moderators.